How to Install and Configure ANSIBLE on RHEL8
3 min readJan 31, 2021
Ansible is a free and opensource automation tool that allows system administrators to configure and control hundreds of nodes from a central server without the need of installing any agents on the nodes.
To know more about Ansible, refer to this article — What is Ansible
Installation and Configuration of Ansible is a one time setup only.
Ansible is an agentless automation tool that by default manages machines over the SSH protocol.
- You only need to install Ansible on Controller Node.
- Controller Node then uses SSH (by default) to communicate with Managed or Target Nodes (those end devices you want to automate).
- Ansible Playbooks or ad-hoc commands are used to manage the nodes.
🔰Controller Node Setup🔰
- To install Ansible, you need Python pre-installed on your system.
- By default, RHEL8 comes with Python3 installed.
- You can check version of python3 using command :
# python -V
- Now, install Ansible using pip3 command :
# pip3 install ansible
- Check the version of Ansible installed using command :
# ansible --version
- If above command runs successfully, Ansible is now installed on your RHEL8.
- As you can see in above image, there is no configuration file is shown.
- So, the next step is to create configuration file which will contain the location of Inventory.
Inventory is an initialization file that contains information about the hosts you are managing.
- Inventory contains information which is Hosts IP, Username of Hosts, Password of Hosts, and the Protocol used to connect to Hosts.
- Create one file on your system, give any name, and this will be your inventory.
# vi <inventory_name>
- You can add Hosts list in this inventory. As an example, one Host is added in the inventory.
- First, create one folder which will be Ansible Configuration Folder.
# mkdir /etc/ansible
- Now, create one configuration file in this configuration folder.
# vim /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
- Give the path of your inventory in this configuration file
inventory = <Path_of_inventory>
host_key_checking = False
- Disable the host key checking feature. As by default, Ansible assumes you are using SSH keys to connect to remote systems i.e., hosts.
- Now you can see configuration file is created successfully!
- To use the SSH connection type with passwords, you must install the sshpass program to run ansible commands and playbooks.
- Download and Install the sshpass rpm file from browser as it doesn't exist in yum repository.
🔰Managed Node Setup🔰
- You only need internet connectivity in managed node.
- And rest of the work will be done automatically by Ansible from controller Node.
- Check the connectivity of Controller Node to Hosts or Managed Nodes.
- This command will ping to all the hosts added in the inventory.
ansible all -m ping
- Controller Node has connectivity to the managed nodes
You are all set to automate managed nodes using Ansible!